Generous gifts help further the mission of the Masonic Charities. Thank you!

Masonic Village

Memorial Gifts

The following memorial gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their memory to Masonic Village.

Rich and Drena Gorgone in memory of Daniel Alampi

Robert N. Fulton in memory of John and Jean Albright

Ken and Elaine Bleiler in memory of John Ambrozates

Joanne H. Bechtel in memory of William F. Bechtel

Michael C. and Suzanne Beidleman in memory of C. David Beidleman

John Beiseigel in memory of Howard A. Beiseigel

Cheston M. Berlin in memory of Anne R. Berlin

Hackenburg-Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 019 in memory of Marvin Black

James M. Bollinger, Jr. in memory of Fredia Bollinger

Shirley Lou Thomas in memory of Miriam Braun

Bruce M. and Joyce G. Broadbent in memory of M. C. Broadbent

Hazel J. Brown in memory of Robert F. Brown

Karl Buus in memory of Olin and Gladys Brubaker

Marianne S. Canning in memory of Charles S. Canning

Andrew S. and Doris A. Zelez in memory of Donna Chapman

James H. and Carole A. Clark in memory of Howard Clark

Richard J. Corwin in memory of Dixie Lee Corwin

James F. and Barbara M. Maloney in memory of Ann Coyle

Signet Chapter No. 129, O.E.S. in memory of Deanna Jean Darigo

Richard L. Dean in memory of Jason L. Dean

Chester A. and Barbara A. Derk, Jr. in memory of Marian and Chester Derk

Rosina H. Dippi in memory of Jacob O. Dippi

Jean E. Dixon in memory of Ord L. Dixon

Dale W. Dressler in memory of Rena Dressler

George W. Ullrich in memory of Walter F. Dyer

William E. Enterline, Jr. in memory of Roxana Enterline

Brenda S. Ernette in memory of Jay Ernette

Cynthia A. Miffitt in memory of Helen Fisher

Nancy L. Webster in memory of Toby Frame

Ronald J. and Katherine R. Frishmuth in memory of Charles Frishmuth

Kenneth L. and Catherine M. Bronder in memory of Charles L. Fuellgraf

Kenneth G. and Debra M. Fuhrman in memory of Grant H. Fuhrman

Ralph E. Geary in memory of Josephine Geary

Philip P. Goldstein in memory of Samuel Goldstein

Rachel Barash, Hackenburg-Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 019 and The Caines in memory of Marvin Gordon

Kim and Luther Zarfoss in memory of Henry Haitz, Jr.

William R. and Jennifer H. Dickson, Jr. in memory of John David Herrington III

Matthew Tyler Langer Hirsch in memory of Robert J. Hirsch

Kelley Calaman in memory of Charles Hoffman

Kenneth W. and Elaine K. Bleiler in memory of June Hostetter

Timothy L. and Fay B. Pletcher in memory of David and Alicia Hunsberger

Elizabethtown Masonic Village Shrine Club in memory of Albert E. Jochen, Jr.

Carolee W. and Gregory F. Deuel and Christian B. Reynolds in memory of Marge Johnson

Dorothy J. Peters in memory of Ruth S. Johnston

The Olivo Family in memory of Augustina Juliao

Dee Molinari in memory of Skaidrite “Scottie” Kalnins

Kenneth W. and Elaine K. Bleiler and Masonic Village Piece Makers Quilting Club in memory of Abigail “Gail” Kemmer

Whitney A. Finnstrom in memory of Cynthia Kimes

Allen D. Snyder in memory of Joel D. Klimoski

Eugene E. and Anna K. Kline in memory of Earl Kline

Eugene E. and Anna K. Kline in memory of Mae Kline

Margaret K. Weidman in memory of Clark and Ethel Klopfer

Jane Bagley in memory of Doris Knous

Kelley Calaman in memory of Jane Krebs

Donald B. Kreitz and Shirley Tackett in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Kreitz

F. Thomas and Margaret F. Kull, Jr. in memory of Frederick T. Kull, Sr.

Victoria Laubach in memory of James E. Laubach

James A. and Amelia L. Rothermel in memory of Joseph Lauck

John L. Lokey in memory of Faye Lokey

Michael A. and Terri A. Long in memory of Wallace M. Long

Greg S. and Rebecca L. Godfrey, Scott A. and Laurie J. Hess and David J. Lutz in memory of David Lutz

Richard B. and Pamela L. Mahany in memory of Rowland B. Mahany

Barton Family in memory of Barbara A. Masters

Gregg D. McBride, Jr. in memory of Audrey J. McBride

Michael S. and Leah McKale in memory of Jack and Winnie McKale

Donald C. Meyers in memory of Paul E. Meyers

Isabel Carmen Moore in memory of William L. Moore

Isabel Carmen Moore in memory of William L. Moore II

Judy A. Myers in memory of Barry L. Myers

Glenn D. Bowman, Marla J. Hammons, G. Jean Hopkins, Michele Myers and Linda Payne in memory of Eva Blanche Myers

Thomas J. and Terry L. Kamerzel in memory of James C. Nickle

Linda D. Ferraroccio in memory of Carol Northey

Dee Molinari in memory of B. Ann Olson

Catherine N. Shultz in memory of Nancy J. Parry

Christian B. Reynolds in memory of Benjamin Petersohn

Kelley Calaman in memory of Caroyl Pettis

Rosina H. Dippi in memory of Joseph J. Riederer

Eric D. Luznar in memory of Mabel Ruhlandt

Michael J. Sanfilippo in memory of Molly Sanfilippo

John S. Savickas in memory of Billie J. Savickas

John E. Letsch and Adalena S. Wilson in memory of Esther Scheuermann

Hackenburg-Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 019 in memory of Bart Seinberg

Patrick M. Gaffney and Perrin D. Smith and Kathleen Johnson-McDonough in memory of Larry Sharp

George W. Ullrich in memory of David B. U. Shearer

Anna K. Sheasley in memory of George B. Sheasley

Gwen N. Spahr in memory of Robert Shust

Peter M. and Mary Steeb in memory of Ruth Steeb

Hackenburg-Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 019 in memory of Milton Steinman

Joan W. Stewart in memory of James R. Stewart

Adam R. Becker in memory of Robert C. Stoebe

P. Sidney and Suzanne V. Strayer in memory of Bill Strayer

P. Sidney and Suzanne V. Strayer in memory of Larry Strayer

P. Sidney and Suzanne V. Strayer in memory of Melvin P. Strayer

Yvonne R. Deiter in memory of Susan Herrietto Trostle

Matthew R. Mayo in memory of William Valiton

Jennifer Gentry and Jim and Kay Nolt in memory of Patricia A. Von Gehr

Harriet Reiner in memory of Elizabeth A. Weamer

Lucille A. Weber in memory of Joseph L. Weber

Ben and Cherie Dillow, Jean A. Hughes, David and Anita Nevius, Leslie Penkunas, Jennifer Shank and Brenda Wagner in memory of Merle Ann (Hughes) Whitebread

Charles E. and Carol C. Curry and James M. and Betty W. Gotta, Jr. in memory of Roland E. “Hank” Yunginger

Concetta A. Zima in memory of Bob Zima

Concetta A. Zima in memory of Doug Zima

Honorarium Gifts

The following honorarium gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their honor to Masonic Village.

Norbert E. and Betty A. Moyer in honor of Ronald Emerich

Ronald J. and Katherine R. Frishmuth in honor of Jean Frishmuth

Barry K. and Lynn E. Totten in honor of Juanita Keesey

Jacob Beal Lohr in honor of George Lohr

Lance J. and Amy M. Martin in honor of Isabel Martin

Mary S. Reeser in honor of Masonic Village at Elizabethtown Health Care Center Staff

William and Kathy Prazenica in honor of Amy Parks

Kenneth W. and Elaine K. Bleiler in honor of Bill Schreffler

Ronald A. and Judy A. McKnight in honor of George R. Simms

Heath and Holly Mackley in honor of Stephanye Smith

William and Kathy Prazenica in honor of U.S. Air Force Veterans

Milton E. Coll in honor of Joyce Wadsworth

Jay N. and Alexis Henry in honor of James and Bette Wenrich

Rodney R. and Patricia A. Rufe in honor of Daryl Zimmerman 


If an error has been made, please call the Office of Mission Advancement and Development at 1-800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33434; or

Masonic Village Hospice

Memorial Gifts

The following memorial gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their memory to Masonic Village Hospice.

Joan Blomkvest, Marilyn Casey, David and Deborah DiStefano, Ernest and Gail Gallant, Dennis Sampson, Small Wonders at Temple Judea Staff, Michael, Cindy, Noella, and Autumn Taylor, Tri-Steel Fabricators, Inc., Amanda Troelsen, V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc., Patsy Walton and Family and Jeff and Zellie Werblin in memory of William “Bill” H. Bauer

Parran Bean, Gregory L. Brubaker, G. Benjamin Dillow, Horst Construction Company and Horst Excavating Company, The Horst Group, Lloyd Pickell, Jere Thome and Nancy Webster in memory of David D. Becker

Vicki Gillmore in memory of Pam Brubaker

Tom and Romaine Campbell in memory of Mary Craypo

Thomas Ebersole in memory of Maryanna Ebersole

Joanne Idzik in memory of Lou Frank

Kay Freet in memory of Emory Freet

Thomas Getz in memory of Norman Getz

Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home in memory of Kenneth Gingrich

Mary Stoeckel in memory of Nancy Grayson

Jeff and Babs DiFrank, Richard and Jane Muir and Savant Wealth Management in memory of David G. Heckel, Sr.

Todd Hineline and Cyndi Bartynski in memory of Burton and Grace Hineline

Betty Deibert in memory of Skaidrite “Scotti” Kalnins

John Humer in memory of Nelda Kauffam

Sarah Carstens, George A. and Tina K. Georges Charitable Foundation, Beverly Golish, Mary Jarvis, Masonic Village Book Club, The Village Bookies, Masonic Village Piece Makers Quilting Club, Linda Porter, Bob and Gail Schermer, Tai Chi Club, Eric Thomas and Roger and Susan Wheeler  in memory of Abigail “Gail” W. Kemmer

G. Jeffrey and Barbara Knous and Karen Yuschak in memory of Doris Knous

Wade and Jean Seibert in memory of Earl Kohl

Marian Kovacs in memory of Emil E. Kovacs

The Lokey Reunion in memory of Arlene Lokey

Lebanon Quilters Guild and David Speicher in memory of Emily Miller

Mike and Sarah Pence in memory of Anita Louise Pence

Linda Alampi, Larry and Joan Beck, Deborah Kelly, Charles and Elaine Kraus and Pete and Patty Mignogna in memory of Ammon Smith

Rebecca Walker in memory of Robert R. Walker

Wade and Jean Seibert in memory of Jay Weitzel

First United Methodist Church Staff Parish Relations Committee in memory of Jacqueline Young

Cheston Berlin, Ken and Janet Burd, John and Fay Deibert, Bryan and Eileen Hill, Edward Horst, John Jarrett, Nickel Mine Gun Club and A. Preston and Brenda Van Deursen in memory of Roland “Hank” Yunginginger

Honorarium Gifts

The following honorarium gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their honor to Masonic Village Hospice.

David Burrier in honor of Sebastian Burrier

Wade and Jean Seibert in honor of William Decker

If an error has been made, please call the Office of Mission Advancement and Development at 1-800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33434; or

Masonic Children’s Home

Memorial Gifts

The following memorial gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their memory to the Masonic Children's Home.

Timothy and Kathleen Andreychek in memory of Sergius D. Andreychek

Dorothee Blum in memory of Charles W. Batten

Brenda Sharp in memory of Andra Berney

Gary Pollock in memory of Abby Gehrlein Bolmarcich

Barbara Brion in memory of Larry Brion

Hazel Brown in memory of Robert F. Brown

Theodore and Elizabeth Castel in memory of Lorraine Castel

William Cavendish in memory of Jack F. Cavendish

Kenneth Creighton in memory of Harry Creighton

Raymond and Darlene Fairfax in memory of Marvin Cunningham

Michael and Heather Dreese in memory of Mildred Dreese

Ronald and Fannie Cobes in memory of Kelly Erikson

Norma Eshelman in memory of Donald E. Eshelman

Robert Fitts in memory of Charles A. Fitts

Dee Molinari in memory of Jeannine Gish

Henry and Nancy Hafer in memory of William Alan Hafer

Wesley and Patricia Hartman in memory of Wesley and Caroline Hartman

Kirk Hinkley in memory of Kirk S. Hinkley, Jr.

Matthew Hirsch in memory of Robert Hirsch

Carol Jones in memory of Dale R. Jones

Mavis Karper in memory of Galen Karper

Eugene and Anna Kline in memory of Earl Kline

Eugene and Anna Kline in memory of Mae Kline

Barbara Fisher Kolchin in memory of Eva and Peter Kolchin

Ann K. Berger and Jo-Anne G. Karnes in memory of Daniel Marschall

Paula Kauffman and Ann K. Berger and Jo-Anne G. Karnes in memory of Joyce A. Marschall

Robert Martin in memory of Dr. and Mrs. M.V. Martin

Carol Meckley in memory of Timothy O. Meckley

Gail Mummert in memory of Robert W. Mummert

Roger Schoemaker in memory of David Newhart

Curt and Lynn Winters in memory of William O’Brien

Richard and Judith McEwen in memory of Daniel Padezanin

Karren Scott in memory of David W. Phillips

John Prosser in memory of John W. Prosser

Marlin Raffensperger in memory of Kaye V. Raffensperger

Rebecca Reed in memory of John Curtis Reiter

Chris Reynolds in memory of Lois Reynolds

Emma Louise Gehrig in memory of Richard Rice

Mike and Beth Berney and Barbara Fisher Kolchin in memory of Laurence “Larry” Sharp

Donald and Tina Marie Simington in memory of David and Mildred Simington

Jay Smith in memory of Nancy L. Smith

Lewis Strouse in memory of Cora H. Strouse

Lewis Strouse in memory of Lewis K. Strouse

William Strimple in memory of J. L. Sturgis, Jr.

Dolores Shafer in memory of Sherri Sutter

Alan and Elsie Saylor in memory of Hunter Watterson

Dee Molinari in memory of Dorothy Wester

Robert Williams in memory of Betty Williams

Thomas and Joan Wolfe in memory of George A. Wolfe

Brian and Florence Yaffe in memory of Melissa Yaffe

Barbara Fisher Kolchin in memory of Ben Zisselman

Honorarium Gifts

The following honorarium gifts were made July 1 - Sept. 30, 2024. Below is a list of individuals whose friends or loved ones have made a gift in their honor to the Masonic Children's Home.

Barbara Fisher Kolchin in honor of Linda and Larry Brand

David Burrier in honor of Sebastian David Burrier

Michael Fausey in honor of Larry R. Christenson

Toni Fait in honor of Michelle and Christopher Frescura

Chris Reynolds in honor of the Great Grandchildren of Chris Reynolds

Maxine Silber in honor of Carol and Carl Koch

Shawn Terwilliger in honor of Reed and Kaila Terwilliger

Barbara Fisher Kolchin in honor of Paula and John Williams

If an error has been made, please call the Office of Mission Advancement and Development at 1-800-599-6454; 717-367-1121, ext. 33434; or